Nominated for the Liebster Award!

It feels like only yesterday I was weeping happy tears for being mentioned in Michele’s blog, and here we are now – NOMINATED FOR THE LIEBSTER AWARD!!! When I first saw people on Twitter announcing their nominations, I thought this was like the Oscars of blogging. I gazed longingly at the logo and dreamt that maybe one day I would too climb my blogging Everest.


Little did I know, the sun rose on that day earlier than expected. And it all started with Ellen’s message…

Ellen has an amazing blog guys! She writes in such a heart-warming way, you can’t help but love her! If you’re into travelling, discovering, dogs, creative writing, books and finding best-online-friends – CLICK ON ANY OF THESE WORDS FOR A SURPRISE POST!!!


Here are the 11 questions she asked me!

  1. What was your favourite childhood film?

I had MANY. Having grown up in Lithuania, I never watched the ‘typical’ childhood films like Disney or idk things like Tracy Beaker. We had, what I can now retrospectively call, slightly second-rate-Western-TV, but I loooved it all! Sabrina the teenage witch (omg that sassy talking black cat, amirite??), overplayed Shrek, Princess Diaries on every month, but the one I would stop EVERYTHING for was…


2. When was the last time you laughed so much that you cried?

To be honest it was probably at one of my own jokes earlier today! It doesn’t take much.

3. Which 3 famous people would you go for lunch with?

CAROLINE CALLOWAY! She is an Instagram blogger/feminist/inspiration!

I wouldn’t say no to a lunch with Justin Bieber… Belieber at heart…

This one is a bit random but Manolo Vergara! He’s the son of Sofia Vergara (Gloria from Modern Family) and honestly he’s the funniest person I follow online – 100% my kind of humour and would love to be friends!

      4. How did you feel writing your first blog post?

Embarrassed! Kept thinking what my friends would think if they read it!

     5. Have you always been a writer?

I wouldn’t dare call myself a writer haha! But I did have a brief period of pretty impressive song-writing when I was 13, even recorded them on my mum’s Blackberry and everything!

     6. Where is your favourite place to blog? (e.g in bed, at a cafe etc)

At my desk! I’ve recently had my room redone at home and have been loving sitting at my desk and looking out of the window (it’s one of those ones you pull up – old fashioned!). I also love my windowsill! Here’s an authentic low quality pic. I’d love to try it in a coffee shop somewhere, but currently my laptop is a brick of a DELL, so we’ve got limited mobility.


7. What kind of music do you enjoy? Recommend something for your readers to listen to!

DE-SPAAA-CIIIITO i dunno the words so i say dorrito, i dont know the words so i say burrito!

For studying – Schubert is the best classical music composer imo! Tried and tested during exam season. Not too much distracting singing and music isn’t too emotive.

8. Do you have any pets?

I have a British Shorthair cat called Uoga (Berry, in Lithuanian). But if you know anything about me is that I am dreaaaming of a dog!


9. What has been one highlight of your week so far?

Making friends in an otherwise really intense and overwhelming work induction! Some of these girls are just the sort of people I can see being friends forever with!

10.Which book could you read over and over without getting bored?

Arthur: The dog who crossed a jungle to find a home. Quelle surprise – it’s about a dog!

11. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?

I would honestly love to spend a bit of time everywhere. However, if money was no object (and so I could afford a decent life in $$$ places) I would love to be based in New York City at this point in my life! I’d love to start my medical career in NYC hospitals which would be so diverse and exciting!!! I’ve never been but I just imagine my life would feel like a film every day?? Can anyone confirm if this is the case??

11 Questions From Me to You:

  1. Describe your perfect day. No detail is too small!
  2. Are you in love? Have you ever been? Share a story/lesson with your readers, whether it’s funny/romantic/heartbreaking </3
  3. What’s your dream holiday?
  4. What song could you listen on repeat at the moment?
  5. What song would you choose, if everyone who chose that song got put on one island and had to live together forever?
  6. How do you feel about your blog? At what point did you start feeling proud/confident of it? Straight away? Or did it take encouragement from others?
  7. Share a joke with your readers!
  8. What meme sums you up the best?
  9. What would you like your name to be if you had to choose a new one?
  10. How are you feeling today?
  11. If you could go on a date with a well known person, who would it be?

Bloggers I would like to tag in this blogging-love-letter-chain are:

Happy blogging!



8 thoughts on “Nominated for the Liebster Award!

  1. enisette says:

    Congrats on the nomination!! Also your cat is the CUTEST thing ever!! I’m still so shy of my blog haha, but at the same time I’m proud of myself for trying and working hard at it because for me, getting started was my big challenge!

    Liked by 2 people

    • autumnskyes says:

      Thanks so much girl!!! Ah yes – she is half bear half cat, one day I’ll write a blog post just for her; you wouldn’t believe the non-cat things I’ve seen her do! Well done for working so hard on your blog, if you haven’t done a Liebster Award post yet then I hereby extend my nomination to you!!! Go crazy!!! 💞🏆🏅

      Liked by 1 person

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